Rabu, 11 Juni 2014

Tugas Softskill B.inggris 2 (Biografi)

My name is Jodi Sopandi you can call me Jodi. Im male. I was born in Jakarta 3 June 1992 in. I am live in perum. mayang pratama blok A/78 RT/004 RW/002 Mustikasari, Bekasi. I have 1 sisters and 2 brothers.
I started my education from kindergarten, I was in kindergarten and TK. Pertiwi in 1997 at the age of 6 years I have received in the SDN 10 Jatimulya, Bekasi and I graduated in academic year 2004, after which I entered smp in the academic year 2004 at the SMP Yayasan Pendidikan Abdi Negara and I graduated in 2007, after graduating smp I choose to continue on to high school SMAN 9 Bekasi and after graduation I continued studying at Gunadarma, I majored in economics faculty of management until now.

My hobby is Futsal, Badminton, Travelling, Listening and Playing Music.

My expectations this year is graduation and a degree in economics because this year is the last year in which I was educated S1. Furthermore, I would like to work in the field in accordance with my educational background, have a business because I think I also have a flair for entrepreneurship, and the latter of course I want to be a successful person and human being useful and beneficial to others.   

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